Out and About

A New Zealand Treasure

Only an estimated 1,500 hoiho (yellow-eyed penguins) remain on the planet, less than 500 live on the mainland of New Zealand, making  them the most endangered penguins in the world. Thankfully, there are organisations working to save this treasured species, including The  Otago Peninsula Eco Restoration Alliance (OPERA) a private eco reserve located outside Dunedin.

Since 1985, The OPERA has been creating safe spaces for the hoiho and helping the species fight back from the brink of extension. Each year, more than half the mainland population of hoiho pass through their rehabilitation centre, recuperating from malnutrition, injury or illness,  before being returned to the wild.

Beyond the hoiho, The OPERA is developing a 100-year plan to oversee the restoration of more than 200 hectares of previously cleared  farmland back to a lush forest teaming with native New Zealand flora and fauna. Visit TheOPERA.co.nz to learn more about this special  organisation.
